Friday 25 May 2012

Warrick Brown (portrayed by Gary Dourdan)
Warrick Brown, born in 1971, was a Las Vegas native, whose father abandoned him soon after his birth, and whose mother died when he was seven years old. Raised by his grandmother and Aunt Bertha, Warrick found it very difficult to socialize, and could often be found with his head in a book. His love of mathematics and science took him to Western Las Vegas University, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.

Warrick grew up in a strict household, and kept his position as a casino runner a secret from his grandmother. He once told Catherine that while he was a dork in high school, and still had dimples, he "got a little action". He was strongly influenced by a community organizer who ran a center that he spent time at after school.
Early in the series it is discovered that Warrick was a gambling addict. Sara did not get along with Warrick early in the series because she knew of his addiction, however they ended up becoming good friends and colleagues. Warrick also tended to not get along with Jim Brass early in the first season, but over several episodes, they appeared to patch things up. Warrick is sensitive to the difficulties of minorities, which is shown throughout the series.

After dating a woman named Tina for a short time, he proposed and quickly married her in Season 6. Nearing the Season 6 finale, Warrick's marriage seemed to have become rocky. Through the mid-point of Season 7, Warrick still wore his wedding band, which would suggest that he and Tina had worked through their differences. In a season 7 episode, he commented that his marriage to Tina might have worked out better if Tina was also a crime scene investigator and better understood the demands of his job. In Season 8  Warrick tells Catherine that he is getting divorced. In early season 8, Warrick is on the phone with Tina. Warrick had asked to help father the unborn child, only to be met by resistance from Tina. We then see Tina again at Warrick's Funeral, when Sara and Greg discover that Warrick had a son named Eli with Tina, and had been fighting for custody over him, Tina also brings their son to the funeral.

Warrick appeared to have a close working and personal relationship with Catherine Willows, although it becomes clear throughout the show that their relationship did not develop into a romantic one. Catherine and Warrick continued to flirt with each other until Season 6, when it is revealed that Warrick had proposed and married his girlfriend, Tina. Catherine appeared to be very dismayed and unhappy. She told Warrick that she was disappointed that he hadn't told her and is visibly upset and jealous of his new relationship.
Warrick and co-worker Nick Stokes have remained brotherly since the first season. Warrick and Nick often bet on cases.
Warrick had nothing but respect for Grissom and idolized him from the first season. Grissom genuinely cared for Warrick as well; he regarded Warrick as like a son, often trying to help the younger man when he struggled with his gambling addiction, and thought that Warrick could potentially be his successor as lab supervisor. In the season 9 episode "For Warrick", Grissom was the first person to find Warrick after he had been shot, and held him in his arms when Warrick subsequently died. Upon hearing of this, Sara commented that "there is nowhere in the world he would have rather been at the end." Later in the episode, the team finds a video in Warrick's home in which he states that he never knew his biological father, but if he could choose someone to be his father, it would be Grissom.


In the Season 8 finale ("For Gedda"), Warrick was held for questioning after the murder of mafia boss Lou Gedda. Earlier in the season, Warrick had become involved with a woman connected with Gedda. After she was killed, Warrick became a prime suspect in her murder. During Warrick's investigation, rumors began that Gedda had a mole in the LVPD. Gedda phoned Warrick to inform him that he was "ready to talk". During the discussion, Warrick was framed for Gedda's murder. The night shift crew was kept from the case, which is processed by Conrad Ecklie and the day shift crew. Grissom requested that Ecklie allow them to process the raw evidence after the day shift crew has had their turn, in order to draw their own conclusions. In doing so, Grissom's team discovered that another LVPD officer was involved in Gedda's murder and the LVPD did not press charges against Warrick.
After Warrick's release, Grissom's team ate at a local diner to celebrate his acquittal. Nick asked Warrick if he wanted to go for a beer, but Warrick passes. As he headed to the back alley and got into his parked car, Undersheriff Jeffery McKeen approached and asked him about the case. Warrick reminded him that Gedda's mole is still out there and that he will keep searching for him. The Undersheriff says to Warrick, "That's what makes you a great CSI", then shot him twice, cleaned the gun of his prints, dropped it in the car, walked away as Warrick slumped onto the steering wheel, and called in the shooting.
In the Season 9 premiere, Grissom discovered Warrick's body in his parked car. Grissom removed him from the car and discovered that Warrick was still alive. Warrick attempts to tell Grissom of his attacker, but is deterred by McKeen's brandishing of a gun out of view of the unsuspecting Grissom. McKeen is later apprehended and arrested. During the investigation of his death, papers were found in Warrick's apartment by Greg Sanders, disclosing that he had a son. In a video that was made, Warrick reveals his dedication to parenting a child and how he learned to care for people from Grissom. Warrick's funeral is held a few days later and Grissom delivers an emotional eulogy, saying that he will miss him "so much". In the episode "Turn, Turn, Turn", it is revealed that Nick and some of the others have started a college fund for Warrick's son Eli.

Warrick was an amazing CSI, and it was so sad when he died.
+ R.I.P Warrick +

CSI Craige, over and out

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