Saturday 23 June 2012

David Hodges (portrayed by Wallace Langham)
Hodges has a habit of giving far more information than anyone wants to hear while explaining things and is very afraid of germs.

Hodges, a lab technician with a B.A. from Williams College, was transferred to the Las Vegas crime lab from the Los Angeles crime lab, where his superiors felt he had an attitude problem. In Las Vegas, Hodges has annoyed his co-workers and superiors.

In the April 9, 2007, edition of TV Guide, Langham described his character as a "pain in the ass" who "kisses up" to his superiors. Langham said Hodges considers himself superior to the other laboratory technicians and wants to be like Gil Grissom. Hodges seems to be under the impression that he's held in much higher regard by the senior CSIs than he truly is and doesn't note his own character flaws (He once told co-worker Wendy "no one likes a kiss-ass," truly oblivious to how he acts the same way).
 These traits become less apparent during season 9, though they are still used for comic relief and he is more often portrayed as someone with poor social skills than a genuinely annoying character.
Despite his attitude, Hodges sometimes redeems himself. In the fifth season finale, "Grave Danger", he saves the entire CSI team when he calls them seconds before they are about to open the container that has trapped Nick Stokes and notifies them that Semtex charges are rigged at the bottom.
In the seventh season episode "Lab Rats", Hodges persuaded his fellow laboratory technicians to surreptitiously work with him in an attempt to identify The Miniature Killer. Hodges concluded at the end of the episode that bleach might be a common factor linking all four murder scenes. Grissom found Hodges in his office inspecting one of the miniatures and, after Hodges explained his conclusions, praised Hodges for his work. Then, returning to form, Grissom again asked Hodges to leave his office.
At the beginning of the eighth season, David Hodges becomes a main cast member. In the episode "The Case of the Cross-Dressing Carp", he tells Grissom he misses working with him on The Miniature Killer cases; Grissom says he misses it, too.
Hodges is also known for having an unusually acute sense of smell, and is able to identify many chemical compounds by their odor alone. In one case, he was asked to verify if a person's stomach contents had traces of cyanide, which has a smell not unlike bitter almonds, but which requires a specific scent-related gene to be able to discern, which Hodges possesses.
Due to a shortage of CSIs at the beginning of season 9, Hodges has been rotated onto the field at least twice—three times overall, counting an appearance on the field in season 8. He is known for his disdain of working on the field. Despite this, he almost lazily discovered crucial evidence in a matter of seconds during one outing.
In one of Grissom's last main episodes, Hodges becomes especially upset upon hearing Grissom's departure, telling him that "...the bad guys are gonna win more if you leave." 
At the end of an episode, he strides into Grissom's old office—now shared by Nick Stokes, Greg Sanders, and Riley Adams—and places Grissom's infamous fetal pig in a jar on one of the shelves, stating that it "belongs here". He then leaves without a word.

In past seasons, the character has had an interest in Sara, but she has never given him any reason to believe she shares his feelings. 
Hodges has a crush on fellow lab tech Wendy Simms. We see continuous flirting between them in every scene that they share.
In the season 9 episode 'A Space Oddity" after bumping into each other at an Astro Quest convention, there is considerable romantic tension, with Hodges repeatedly having fantasies regarding the show with him and Wendy in the main roles. These interfere with his work, something he blames Wendy for. This leads them to argue and bring their feelings out into the open. Wendy finally exclaims "It's good you're having fantasies because it means you're not as oblivious as everyone around here seems to think!". This shows that she has feelings for him. However, Hodges's guilt about his feelings for her interfering with his work prevents him from doing anything about it.
He attempts to keep their relationship professional, though the romantic tension remains. Wendy kisses him at the end of "Field Mice".

In Pool Shark, Wendy leaves, not telling him until last minute, leaving him hurt and upset to the point where he hits and starts to drown Henry when he tells him what he did wrong and later mopes around CSI. However, Greg Sanders arranges "man dates" in which he meets up with David every week to take his mind off Wendy. Sanders and Hodges are usually seen as rivals during the earlier seasons, leading to something of a love-hate relationship: the two would often argue, but in Grave Danger they were seen playing a board game together and in Appendicitement, the two, along with Nick "kidnapped" lab tech Henry Andrews to take him out for his birthday.

CSI Craige, over and out.

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